Join us for our Niijii Radio Volunteer Meeting July 16th 5:30p @The Niijii Radio Station located in Callaway to learn about volunteerism at The Niij. Dinner and refreshments will be served.
KKWE volunteers are the heart of KKWE Niijii Radio, providing professional skills, time, energy and personal commitment to all facets of KKWE’s operations.
There are two things that differentiate community radio from public radio — community access and volunteers. At KKWE Niijii Radio, volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization. Volunteers participate in every aspect of KKWE’s operations and we could not do what we do without them!
Consider becoming a KKWE Niijii Radio volunteer.
Turn on, Tune In, Help Out!
KKWE wants and needs creative people to keep the airwaves alive and thriving. Whether you are interested in music, working behind the scenes, or public affairs, KKWE welcomes you.
Depending on your interests and availability, there are a great variety of things to do with KKWE. Some needs have very regular schedules, some are occasional. In general, volunteers write and produce news and public affairs content, mix-live music in studio, keep our website fresh and interesting, help with clerical support, help with outreach and special events, maintain the record library and archives, record lectures, meetings and readings, produce audio graphic arts, staff the front desk, and in many other ways
Currently, our biggest needs are for:
- Live remote broadcast tech help
- Local News Reporter
- On-Air personalities
- Music Library Builders
- Audio Producers
- Audio Production trainers
- Outreach volunteers to help with special events
- Local Talent, Artists, Musicians, Performers, for community events
- Community Advisory Board Members
We also currently have openings in the following areas:
- Write / edit / produce the news — shifts available every weekday
- Write blogs for music and cultural events
- Web content editors
- Tabling KKWE info at exciting events
- Photograph KKWE events in and outside of the studios
- Record audio away from KKWE — (create field recordings)
- Serve on advisory committees
- Engineer or announce live broadcasts
- Set up & mix live music for on air performances
- Maintain computers
- Help to database our music library
- Upload original archives to internet
- Help with social media outreach
If you are interested in any of these roles, contact our Volunteer Coordinator to let us know. We will be happy to talk with you about the specific role, any training you need, and the schedule involved.